Friday, December 14, 2007

A new submission has been sent out

A recent checking of Digital Webbings ads revealed one company looking for "hero" content, so I sent off Different Unlike Us to see if maybe I can find it a home. Not as many publisher options as Pink Panties (which also got a send out yesterday) but at least it's in somebody's hands for consideration.
Updates as they become available.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Independent publisher needed!

With several short stories done I'm looking for a publisher to get this one off the ground. Don't know how I'll find it but I guess it's back to Digital Webbing to check out the publishers and what they're looking for!

Sorry for the long update delay, by the way, work has been stagnant on this title!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Looks like work on the title has slowed down, so while I either plan to rekickstart this title (or move on to work a different one) here's to you having a safe and happy Halloween! (What this title needs is an update about that anthology it's supposed to be in, or I need to find more superhero centric publishers to pitch this one to... one or the other!)

(Anyway you take care and be safe now, OK?)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Will The Work Slow Down Now That...

I am pondering working on a new hentai with the artist of DUUS?
Probably not, I do plan a new four pager to be worked on this November, but at some point it will probably be set aside for work on the new hentai (BoomTown Blues) if things do not progress anymore in terms of finding a publisher for Different Unlike Us. Still, for now at least, the title is still moving (at a slower pace though).

No word on that possible anthology appearance (or there was word and I forgot all about it, check earlier posts and scold me if I did talk about it and forgot about it).

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Moving Ever Forward

Now under the full solo direction of it's Artist Gerardo Gonzalez, the title continues to slowly move ever forward. With one more 4 pager done we're focusing on the next 8 pages... with enough time to kick about possibly changing the stories and making 2 new 4 pagers before the week is up. Maybe. I'll post here if any changes to the remaining 2 4 pagers written to date are made, stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Budget Constraints

Due to budget constraints it looks like we're going to have to go down to one Artist.
So, then, that means our Artist for this title will be Gerardo Gonzalez for the near and coming future.

As for how the title is going in terms of the anthology I have mentioned from time to time? Well... no new updates, but once I have some I'll pass it your way.
Things are really slow with this title, isn't it. More work however will be put into this title this Fall. Promise.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

One Step Ever Closer

Well, three four pagers for the series is all done lettering wise and now comes the thing that nobody particularly likes... the long waiting.
It seems all we ever do is wait, wait, wait and wait for the chance to possibly publish in this anthology. We'll see. When an update comes I'll have it for you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Will Three (Volume) Be DUUs' Lucky Number?

New update on the anthology front.
While I can't say where it'll be, or what the anthology is until every last I is dotted and every detail confirmed and approved, I can now say that it'll be the third volume of said book when Different Unlike Us gets it's day.

Of course there is still much in terms of details that need to be worked out.
Besides the above there is also how many pages we'll get, as well as the time when it'll release, but so far so good on this front.
With fingers crossed we're hoping that we'll have more news for you on this soon.
So stay tuned, good news should be coming in as time goes on.

We won't be completely on our rears though while we wait.
September to October work will be done on the next batch of Different Unlike Us shorts (three new 4 pagers are in the works as we speak), so stay tuned for updates on that front as well.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sorry for the Lack of Updates!

It's been a rather quiet two weeks updates wise.
We are still waiting to see if the whole idea of getting in on this anthology from this certain company in terms of a preview sinks in or not.
We are still looking for a publisher to publish the title with.
And we are still looking for a site to preview the series (which was a great boon in finding Home Schooled Witchcraft it's present publisher).
Hopefully it won't be another two weeks before the next update!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Possible Preview for Different Unlike Us?

Well, it is only a possibility (so no information for now until it is solidly guaranteed and set in stone, so to speak) but hopefully anything to promote Different Unlike Us would be a good thing in my opinion. Right now it's in the most basic startings and if anything important happens I'll let you know when possible.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July Everyone

If you are celebrating it, not celebrating it... whatever... have a happy day today. Happy 4th of July. Happy Opening Day for Transformers the Movie. Happy Train Strike in Germany... well, maybe not so happy.
Hope you are doing well and all.

Work should start soon on the 2nd half of Different Unlike Us #1, now we just need to find an official home to publish from. We're still looking but if anyone has any recommendations please comment to us about it. Thanks.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Lita/Lina/Lila & Savannah character notes

Once again here's the character notes for Lita/Lina/Lila & Savannah from Different Unlike Us.

Other Different Unlike Us Character Sketches
Lita/Lila/Lina (Solo)
Super powered character (costume to be designed by artist) that splits into three separate” peronalities when de-powered. Each personality trait (and the power that personality contributes to the singular entity Solo) listed below. (Jacket and hair color changes on Solo as each personality’s power trait is used, resulting in mixed colors if two powers are used together).

Lita/Red hair/jacket (super strength)- Sensible one of the trio (street smarts). Usually has a very orderly conformed appearance (rather calm) when she’s not losing her temper and looking pissy.

Lila/Blue hair/jacket (power blasts) - Soft spoken and quiet (intellect), often is reading (which she has lots of hidden in a special “bottomless” pocket woven into her jacket (each of them has this special pocket in both their everyday jacket and their morphed “uniform” jacket (the jacket morphs into their uniform when they merge into one)) (the other hand usually has some sort of food in it).

Lina/Blonde hair/gold jacket (speed) - Airy of mind and whimsical, this one has a dreamy appearance and often does whatever she likes regardless of whether she asked permission before hand or not (as in this case)…

Savannah (Ranger)
Were-Zebra (human/animal furry type female), Mostly human except black/white “fur”, four fingers on each hand, two toes on each foot, zebra like tail, zebra like head but with a smaller snout and head structure (more human like). Large breasts (only one of the gang next to Rika with an impressive breast size). Dresses in an unstable molecules costume (artist can play with the look when recommending a look for her), and has a human form (completely human, short black hair caucasian (white) female). She’s Lita’s lover. (See Page 7 for additional notes on her character design)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

"Then Came Savannah" has an Artist

Gerardo Gonzalez is going to tackle the artistic duties for "Then Came Savannah" (the second batch of 4 pagers presently in production right now).

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Different Unlike Us : Then Came Savannah

Different Unlike Us
“And Then Came Savannah”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 22
Panel 1
View from over Alison’s shoulder (Alison’s head visible in panel) looking at Savannah (as she grips her tail with one hand while she flips the table back over setting it up with the other)
Savannah : “Sorry.”
“You stepped on my tail though.”
“Should have tucked it in though.”

Alison : “…”Giant Zebra Women“… eh…”

Panel 2
SD Ester riding on top of Savannah’s shoulders (in costume but not wearing her mask) looking smug, Savannah is looking rather confused as she tries to turn her head to look at Ester.
Ester : “Yup!”
“It’s a flashback story!”

Savannah : “What are you doing…”

Panel 3
Alison (standing next to the couch) stares at Savannah (now sat down for “questioning”) as she wiggles and looks rather hyper while trying to sit calmly on the couch (all jumpy).
Alison : “What are you doing in here?”
“Heard of the word “trespassing” before?”

Savannah : “I heard you’re the one to talk to if I wanted to join...”

Panel 4
Same as last panel, Savannah now looking up looking rather anxious as Alison stares at her (uncomfortable moment).
Alison : “…join…”
“(come on now, finish the sentence)”

Panel 5
Same as last panel, Savannah grabs Alison dragging her onto the couch (landing her face down on her lap awkwardly as if she’s going to spank her)

Panel 6
Savannah (on couch) with Alison in her lap (face down). Savannah is staring up Alison’s cape (down at her rear end) as Alison lies there looking most uncomfortable.
Savannah : “You have visible panty lines.”
“…powder pink…”
Alison : “…”
Different Unlike Us
“And Then Came Savannah”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 23
Panel 1
Same view of couch from last page (Savannah with Alison in her lap face down) as Savannah stares now at Alison (no longer lifting Alison‘s cape or staring at her rear).
Alison : “So, are you going to finish the sentence, or spank me.”
“One or the other please.”

Savannah : “Oh.”

Panel 2
Slightly altered view of last panel (Savannah now spanking Alison so use a dramatic view).
Savannah looks rather confused as Alison protests.
Sound F/X : (spanking noises)
“OW OW OW!!”

Savannah : “But you said to spank you…”

Alison : “IDIOT!!”

Panel 3
Small panel (Rika coming through the front door)
Rika : “I’m home, Ali…”

Panel 4
POV over Rika’s shoulder (Rika’s head in panel) staring in disbelief at Savannah spanking Alison on couch (Savannah looks rather sheepish)
Savannah : “I think she wants you to spank her now.”

Alison : “RIKA? (OW!) IS THAT (OW!) YOU??”

Rika : “Uh… no.”

Panel 5
Small panel (Rika/Alison standing side by side, Rika pushing down Alison’s hands and the chains she has gripped in her hands)
Rika : “No dumping the confused zebra girl into the river.”
Different Unlike Us
“Then Came Savannah”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006, 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 24
Panel 1
Change of view. From Alison’s POV looking across the couch at Lita (hugging Savannah as Lina and Lila looks on from behind the couch. (Rika is off panel)
Lita : “So you totally met my new lover, right?“
“She’s going to be perfect in our team!“

Alison : “…our team…?”

Panel 2
Alison (looking peeved) as Rika tries to distract her (holding her, trying to whisper to her as she stands there and looks peeved)
Lita (off panel) : “And since she‘s my gal I figured “Hey! She‘ll be great in our team!” and all!”
“So I sent her here to introduce herself.”

Alison : “You. Did. What.”

Panel 3
Lita cuddled close to Savannah (both look rather happy as Lita has one hand under Savannah’s face nudging it up to stare her right in the eyes)
Lita : “So did she welcome you properly into the team, m’love?“

Savannah : “Well, about that...”
“Maybe I should show you.”

Panel 4
Dramatic view of couch area as Savannah spanks Lita (with everyone else behind the couch watching the scene with great interest)

Lita : “ARE YOU SURE…“

Alison : “Oh, yeah. She did that. Yeah.“

Panel 5
Closing panel. Alison is holding SD Ester up in the air (by her collar) looking rather peeved at her (Ester looks smug) as Lita/Savannah kiss passionately in the foreground. (head/shoulders view).

SD Ester : “What are you pissed about!!”
“You red cheeked baboon!”

Alison : “….”

Lita : “Spank me again soon...”

Caption : Fin

Different Unlike Us new projects (two parter)

This is a two parter project for two artists.
The only pre-requisite is that we need both Artists who take this one to coordinate with each other on it since where one Artist leaves off the other will pick up from.

Different Unlike Us
“The Wearing Out of the Green”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 5
Panel 1
Huge panel. Newspaper front page (large front page image/headline) as somebody (Solo/Lila) is reading the paper (see hand only holding the paper up).
Image is that of Vigilance & Solo fighting faceless masked evil people (Artist choice for random characters).

Headline : “BUSTED!”

Caption (Ester‘s SD head/thoughtful expression) : “Well, that went rather well.”

Caption (Solo/Lita SD head/emotionless face) : “Uh-huh.”

Caption (Ester’s SD head/thoughtful expression) : “And we got everything done in an orderly manner.”

Caption (Solo/Lita SD head/emotionless face) : “Uh-huh.”

Panel 2
Thin panel bridging between the top panel (1) and the lower panel (3). Newspaper lowers as you see waist view of Ester/Vigilance and Lila/Solo (Lila lowering the paper as Ester stands near her) (Lita and Lina are off panel).
Ester : “So tell me something…”

Panel 3
Long panel (bottom) of foursome (POV looking straight at them as if camera was set up a few feet in front of them), with Lita/Ester/Lila & Lina from left to right, looking up (at a system board that is out of sight). They’re standing on a train platform (silent ane empty). (they’re dressed in their civilian clothes with Ester lugging a backpack (her gear in stashed away in a hidden pouch in the backpack)).
Ester : “How did we miss the last train again?”

Lita (emotionless face) : “It’s your fault for never learning how to drive.”

Lila (munching on a pocky stick/forlorned look) : “I can‘t read in this poor lighting.”

Lina (chewing on gum/bored) : “I need to plug in my PSP again.”
Different Unlike Us
“The Wearing Out of the Green”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 6
Panel 1
Small panel (top left of page) showing a set of boots/shoes (boots belonging to Vigilance/Solo) and shoes (Alison/Rika’s apartment) set near front door.
Alison (off panel) : “…why me…”

Ester (off panel) : “Because you live in the neighborhood.”

Panel 2 (next to panel 1)
Ester (leaning against fridge with carton of milk in hand (drinking out of carton))
Ester : “And today is a beautiful day to be a neigh--”
“…2%. Bleah.”

Panel 3 (long panel / middle of page)
Alison (standing in the center of the living room area (couch, long table and TV (where readers are since one of the trio that is Solo is watching readers/TV)), background showing kitchette with long counters and small table for eating set in front of kitchette as she watches her “house guests” mill about her, she’s in a huff (eyes narrowed and fists clenched).
Lita (red hair) is watching TV (sitting on the couch staring at readers), while Lila is walking past Alicia with a quilt under one arm and a desk light (unplugged) in the other.

Ester : “Anyway you know I’d do it for you if you were in this predictiment.”

Alison : “Why the hell would I be…”
“…I can just fly home, speaking of which --”

Ester : “Amber’s out of town and you know it.”

Panel 4 (lower left side of page)
Slanted view (as if camera began to pan towards one side while keeping an eye on the couch) as Ester jumps onto the couch (spilling milk as she does)
Ester : “Anything good on… oops, milk.”

Alison (off panel) : “Wait a minute.”

Lita (red) : “Wanna check the pay-per-view porn channels?”

Alison (off panel) : “HEY!!”

Panel 5 (lower right side of page)
View from bathroom looking into living room as Lina (towel wrapped around her) dodges off panel into the open bathroom door as Alicia (background) turns towards readers (Lina) frustrated.
Lina : “I got dibs on the bath!”

Alison : “WAIT A MINUTE!! HEY!!”
Different Unlike Us
“The Wearing Out of the Green”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 7
Panel 1
Close up of Alison (fuming mad) as something green (glow) is shoved into the panel.

Panel 2
Alison/Ester (super deformed, standing on top of the couch holding a green sphere at Alison who is looking at her oddly) (the sphere glows menancingly).
Alison : “…what are you doing…”

Ester : “Cursed from the death of her homeworld…”

Panel 3
Side view of Alison/Ester (SD) staring each other down. Alison stands there looking bored as Ester continues to wave the green sphere at her (glowing menancingly).
Ester : “…this last reminant of Ali’s dead motherland acts like POISON to her INHUMAN SOUL!!”
Alison : “I was born in Hawaii, you --”

Panel 4
Same as last panel (Ester now waving the sphere at Alison dramatically)
Alison : “….”

Panel 5
Black panel (lower right hand of page) (text only)
Alison (off panel) : “What is it that Amber finds attractive in you again.”
“I find her attraction to you highly suspect.”
Different Unlike Us
“The Wearing Out of the Green”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 8
Panel 1
Long panel (top of page), Alison (now SD) walking away from Ester (standing on couch).
Background is a “fantasy” sequence with Amber (super deformed) in bed with some hot female generic Green Lantern type woman.
Alison : “Whatever. She’s probably already found someone to replace you anyway.”

Amber : “I’ll dump her when I go back to Earth.”

Ester : “-_-”

Panel 2
Same as last panel (middle of page) with Ester (SD) hurling the green sphere (knocking Alison out with one shot)
Sound FX : WHACK!!

Panel 3
Lower left of page. Ester (SD) poses dramatically at the readers with a wicked look on her face.

Panel 4
Alison (on ground, foreground in shadows for the most part except her glowing eyes) waking up (her eyes glowing red as they open), and Ester (disappearing as she leaps back onto the couch oblivious to Alison.
Alison : “…..”

Ester : “Well, whatever, pass the popcorn.”
Caption : Fin
Different Unlike Us
“Strange Living Room Fellows”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006, 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 9
Panel 1
Close up of front door as Rika enters (dressed in her reporter clothes), looking rather tired as she pulls the door open coming in.
Rika : “Ali? I’m home…”

Panel 2
Rika (standing next to the huge dining table covered in a giant blanket as a tent, light shining within the “tent” as she stares at it oddly).
Lila (under table) : “Everyone was bothering me when I was trying to read.”

Rika : “Uh… sorry?”

Panel 3
Lina (naked in shower, soap suds providing any censorship needs) as she jumps in shock.
Lina : “Eeekk!!”

Panel 4
View from over Rika’s shoulder (Rika’s head visible in panel) looking through the open bathroom door into the shower.
Rika : “Lock doors much?”

Lina : “I was hoping Lita or Lila were going to join me.”
“Wanna join me? I got lots of suds here.”

Rika : “No.”

Panel 5
Long panel (bottom). Rika (standing next to the couch) stares at it’s three “inhabitants” as they stare listlessly at the readers (TV). Ester and Lita are sitting comfortably, but Alison is crumpled on one side of the couch exhausted.
Rika : “Tough day babysitting?”

Alison : “Gimme a break.” Different Unlike Us
“Strange Living Room Fellows”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006, 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 10
Panel 1
Same view of couch (Page 1, Panel 5) as Lita (middle of couch) holds back both Alison/Ester, mostly Alison who looks like she wants to strangle Ester. (All three panels are basically the same viewpoint as the scene changes).
Lita : “Not now, kiddies, mommy’s watching Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader…”
“Ironic since you two are totally acting like kids right now.”

Ester : “Tell that scrooge over there to be nicer to us!”

Panel 2
Same view of couch from last panel as Lina walks past the back of the couch (wrapped in towels), as Rika sits down (next to Alison/between her and Ester/Lita) as Ester looks over at her frowning.
(Alison looks up to join Lita in watching TV).
Alison : “Being pissy is boring…”
“I knew that. 3rd Grade Astronomy is so easy.”

Lina : “I’m going to help myself to your food now, tell me when he flunks out.”

Panel 3
Same view of couch from last panel as Rika turns towards the right of panel (Alison’s side of couch) looking off towards where Lita is as she joins them (walking into panel).
Lita : “I like this show.”
“(Why did it vanish off the schedule for so long back in May?)”

Ester : “We’d totally let her crash at our place if she ever missed the last train.”

Alison : “What part of “I can fly” goes over that empty head of yours.”
Different Unlike Us
“Strange Living Room Fellows”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006, 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 11
Panel 1
Change of view. From Alison’s POV looking across the couch at Rika (front), Lita and Ester.
Rika is holding the green sphere (looking at it) while Ester points at it with a dramatic shocked look on her face.
Rika : “By the way, I found this on the floor over there.”

Ester : “HAWAII-ITE!”

Panel 2
Same as last panel (Rika looking over at Ester, who is writhing in “agony” as Lita continues to watch TV “quietly”).
Rika : “….”

Ester : “HAWAII… draining… strength… PAIN PAIN!!”

Panel 3
Same as last panel (Rika leans back into couch holding sphere on her lap as Ester falls off couch, Lita continues to sit and watch TV quietly)

Rika : “Stop cursing my paperweight.”

Panel 4
Same as last panel (Rika bats away Alison’s hand as she tries to take the sphere), Lita continues to watch TV quietly.
Ester : “By the way I love your thick strap on that you keep on your desk. For Ali, right?”

Rika : “Don’t kill her, please, blood is hard to wash out of the carpet.”

Panel 5
Long panel (bottom of page) with everyone decked out on the floor in sleeping bags.
Lita is still awake (reading using the light she “borrowed” earlier), while Alison/Rika talk (sleeping in a giant sleeping bag).
Alison : “What part of her is supposed to be “Batman-like” again?”

Rika : “Behave.”

Lita : “Bedtime sucks.” Different Unlike Us
“Strange Living Room Fellows”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006, 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 12
Panel 1
Amber (in her Super uniform) standing near the kitchenette (Amber/Ester) staring at something off panel looking rather confused, one eye raised in Spock-ish manner.
Amber : “What’s going on here.”

Panel 2
Everyone (Alison/Rika/Ester and Lita/Lila & Lina) sitting at the large table in the living area, all exhausted and tired while trying to eat breakfast (haphazardly).
Rika : “Alison couldn’t take Ester’s bored rantings at 2AM and flew her home.”

Panel 3
View of the “roundtable” of six sitting around the table as Amber sits down in front of them.
Lita : “I missed Ester.”

Lila : “I missed Lita.”

Lina : “I missed Lila.”

Rika : “I’m not sure how I got here…”

Panel 4
Ester/Amber as Ester scoots over to Amber, collapsing into her crying.
Ester : “You’re not screwing some hot female alien chick behind my back are you?”

Amber : “….”
“Where did that come from?”

Panel 5
Bottom panel (long), as Ester waves a bright glowing green thing (bright green sphere of light obscuring what’s in her hand) as everyone eats quietly ignoring her, except Amber who looks rather confused by all this.
Ester : “The Power of Sex Compels You!!”

Alison : “Enough already.”

Amber : “What the hell is going on.“
Caption : Fin

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Whatever Happened to Post Human Comics?

One of the first publishers who showed interest in Different Unlike Us, Post Human Comics, seems to have collapsed unexpectedly. What happened to them? If anyone knows what happened to them please post here. Thanks.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Heatwave + Crimewave = Sucks Character Update

Female character (ice woman)
Artist choice, but basically a blonde female character that is eyecandy more than anything else (as she just cameos in the title briefly as a candidate to join the ladies who isn't picked because of her "viewpoints").
Kinky super heroine outfit highlights her brief (appearance), with maybe long boots and gloves, revealing outfit and that's all there needs to be said about it I think.

Other Secondary Characters in Different Unlike Us

Here's the rest of the character notes from Different Unlike Us.

Other Different Unlike Us Character Sketches
Lita/Lila/Lina (Solo)
Super powered character (costume to be designed by artist) that splits into three separate” peronalities when de-powered. Each personality trait (and the power that personality contributes to the singular entity Solo) listed below. (Jacket and hair color changes on Solo as each personality’s power trait is used, resulting in mixed colors if two powers are used together).

Lita/Red hair/jacket (super strength)- Sensible one of the trio (street smarts). Usually has a very orderly conformed appearance (rather calm) when she’s not losing her temper and looking pissy.

Lila/Blue hair/jacket (power blasts) - Soft spoken and quiet (intellect), often is reading (which she has lots of hidden in a special “bottomless” pocket woven into her jacket (each of them has this special pocket in both their everyday jacket and their morphed “uniform” jacket (the jacket morphs into their uniform when they merge into one)) (the other hand usually has some sort of food in it).

Lina/Blonde hair/gold jacket (speed) - Airy of mind and whimsical, this one has a dreamy appearance and often does whatever she likes regardless of whether she asked permission before hand or not (as in this case)…

Savannah (Ranger)
Were-Zebra (human/animal furry type female), Mostly human except black/white “fur”, four fingers on each hand, two toes on each foot, zebra like tail, zebra like head but with a smaller snout and head structure (more human like). Large breasts (only one of the gang next to Rika with an impressive breast size). Dresses in an unstable molecules costume (artist can play with the look when recommending a look for her), and has a human form (completely human, short black hair caucasian (white) female). She’s Lita’s lover. (See Page 7 for additional notes on her character design)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Different Unlike Us : The Wedding Dress Caper

Another preview of Different Unlike Us

Different Unlike Us
“The Wedding Dress Caper”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 1 (Page 1 of 4)
Panel 1
Vigilance pushes unconscious villain to one side, other hand holding newspaper as she stares at it.

Panel 2
Page one headline cover image of Alison in a wedding dress fighting a costumed villain.
Headline : RING HIS BELLS!

Panel 3
Rooftop shot of Ester (mask pulled above her head so you can see her face) as she stands out of sight on the rooftop staring at the newspaper (police below arrest villain she subdued).
Caption (pointing at Ester’s face) : “It takes awhile for her emotions to kick back in once she takes the mask off.”

Panel 4
Street level view of rooftops looking upwards.
Ester (off panel) : “What the (bleep)?!?”

Caption (pointing at rooftop Ester is on) : “Her emotions kicked back in.”

Different Unlike Us
“The Wedding Dress Caper”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 2 (Page 2 of 4)
Panel 1 (top left of page)
Alison (sitting in restaurant booth at their favorite eatery from “Emotional” looking at newspaper).
She looks rather bored as she stares at the newspaper. (street clothes worn by all)
Alison : “And this is important because…”

Panel 2 (below panel 1 to middle of page (left side))
Sitting at the booth talking, Alison on one side and Ester/Savannah (human form) on the other.
Ester : “So you don’t deny it, do you.”

Alison : “Why would I.”

Caption (pointing at Savannah) : Savannah’s human form.

Panel 3 (top right to middle right of page (opposite of Panel 1 and 2))
Side by side comparision of Alison (as Windwaker) and Alison (Wedding dress) standing back/back.
(arms crossed, tough looking look)
Ester (off panel/SD face (cocky expression)) : “Changing your motif now?”
“Becoming the Angry Lesbian Bride or something?”

Alison (off panel/SD face (no emotion)) : “Going overboard, are we.”

Panel 4 (long panel, bottom half of page)
Dramatic visual of Alison (wedding dress) flying through huge stained glass window of church, punching costumed villain from start of story through it.
Alison (sd face/same no emotion expression) : “It’s not what you think.”

Amber (sd face) : “Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about.”

Different Unlike Us
“The Wedding Dress Caper”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 3 (Page 3 of 4)
Panel 1
View looking over Alison’s shoulder (Ester/Savannah sitting in front of her) (Savannah eating as she looks over) as Amber (standing next to Ester) looks over at Alison (serious expression) (Amber is wearing street clothes too)
Alison : “Wasn’t my fault.”

Amber : “One favor and you end up getting into a fight with a tight wearing weirdo.”

Panel 2
Closer view of Ester/Savannah gazes turning towards the table top (Savannah still stuffing her mouth as she looks on) as a magazine flops in front of them (Amber tosses it down).
Amber (off panel) : “Here, check it out.”

Ester : “Is it dirty?”
“(Show this to Rika, not me.)”

Panel 3
Cover image. Alison in wedding dress posing (cover), showing off her powers (benchpressing row of a half a dozen bridesmaids over her head).

Panel 4
Amber (skooshing into booth next to Ester) as she looks at Amber (flustered) (Savannah still eating, moving over)
Ester : “Hey! Why didn’t you tell me about this?!?”

Amber : “Look inside before you cry foul.”
“(And you can’t bench press half a dozen bridesmaids so cut it out.)”

Panel 5
Close up of Ester (chewing food while flipping through the magazine in an irritated mood)
Ester : “More to life than pumped up muscles and tits, you know.”

Alison (off panel) : “Hey!”

Amber (off panel) : “Page 97.”
“(And be nice.)”

Different Unlike Us
“The Wedding Dress Caper”
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 4 (Page 4 of 4)
Panel 1
Page spread (two page spread) of Alison (wedding dress)/male super hero (in tuxedo) posing like bride and groom. Bridesmaids in background (wedding photo shoot)
Ester (off panel) : “?!?”

Panel 2
Alison (eating) (looking pissed off as she eats) (view from Ester/Amber’s POV looking at Alison) (magazine held up as if showing Alison the two page spread (not visible to readers)).
Ester : “LOOK AT YOU!!”
“You so straight here it’s almost sickening!”

Alison : “AMBER!!”

Amber : “Don’t blame me.”
“(You didn’t mind the extra cash for being in the shoot.)”

Panel 3 (two panel spread (before and after))
Left side of page, Alison in wedding dress (before)
Amber (off panel/SD face - serious expression) : “Speaking of blame…”
“Where is that dress?”

Alison (off panel/SD face - recovering from being angry, trying to get back to being emotionless) :
“Back to the drawing board, Amber.”
“Not fireproof.”

Panel 4 (two panel spread (before and after))
Right side of page, Alison in tatters of wedding dress standing in middle of street (in the blast remains of a huge explosion that took out villain). (She’s wearing her unstable molecule panties/bra underneath dress so she’s not naked).
Amber (off panel/SD face - facefaulted) : “Not… fire… proof…”

Alison (off panel/SD face - blank expression) : “Maybe not blast proof.”
“It kinda burned though so it’s not fireproof either.”

Panel 5
Bottom panel. Rika (home) taking wedding dress Alison wore (perfectly intact, undamaged) out of box looking rather confused.
Caption (pointing at card in Rika’s hand) : “For our wedding day. Alison”
“P.S. : Guess what I want you wearing tonight!”

Panel 6
Black panel (text only)
Amber (off panel) : “No, really, where is it.”
Alison (off panel) : “Burned. To. Ashes.”
Amber (off panel) : “Ali…”
Caption : “See you next time!”

Abit more about Different Unlike Us

Today’s posting concerns the series itself.
So far I’ve gotten one question (first question to date) about the tone of the series.
Here it is in basic but I think the first 4 pager assignment says it all.

Basically it’s a group of heroines who also happen to be lesbians, with interpersonal relationships being part of the mix it’s not as much about the “evil” they fight as the surroundings they find themselves in (and their situation concerning their sexuality in a city that seems to be not so inclined to see things the way they would like it to be in some respects).

Crimefighting, slice of life, relationships and the quirks of having your apartment turned into the personal “clubhouse” of your teammates (just for starters).
Here, this first assignment story (I haven’t picked an Artist yet so be patient) will show some of the team’s dynamics.

Here's a preview of the writing for you to check out.
Different Unlike Us
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006, 2007 David Rasmussen

Page 1 (Page 1 of 4)
Panel 1
Small panel (top of page). Close view of Alison (eyes), head turned abit to one side with eyes turned towards the readers. Her face is dirtied, eyes narrowed in anger as she stares at the readers.

Alison (thoughts) : “…..”

Panel 2
Large panel (top half of page). 3/4th overhead view. Busy crowded damaged intersection scene, Alison (in costume) standing in the middle of the intersection with several damaged (abandoned cars), and a couple of thugs lying about (in some fancy evil SWAT team costume stuff). Alison holds two thugs (one in each hand) by the front of their armored uniforms (unconscious). Alison is visibly pouting as she stands there just staring intensely at nothing (deep in thought)

Alison : “This isn’t good.”

Thug (sprawled on top of car hood, uniform smouldering (burning slightly)) : “Fire… fire… my uniform’s on fire…”
“We don’t need no…” (sigh) “…please put me out.”

Caption (Ester) : “…”Ali Smash”, huh?”

Panel 3
Side by side panels (bottom half of page), left side. Scene is now in a fancy eatery (privacy booths, nice looking bar and this quiet atmosphere… (tinted windows allowing for privacy)). View from window looking into restaurant, as Alison and company eat (burgers/fries/drinks).
This panel represents the view of the left side of the table (the other the right side of table).
Left side of table is Ester (foreground) and Amber (sitting next to Ester behind Ester panel).

Ester is eating (emotionless poker face) while Amber talks (holding burger in one hand while she waves her finger at Alison with the other).

Ester : “Didn’t they make a pill for Super PMS yet? You need it…”
“Lots of it.”

Amber : “How many times did you play “bouncy bouncy” with the crooks again?”

Panel 4
Opposite side of table (view) panning to the right. Rika (foreground) and Alison (next to Rika, behind Rika) sitting/eating. Rika drinking from her glass, trying not to get involved. Alison (scowling) munches on her fries looking peeved.

Caption (pointing at Rika) : Only non-super of the discussion.
Caption (next to Caption pointing at Rika) : Playing the role of “Switzerland”.

Alison : “Don’t make it sound like it was all MY fault.”
“Somebody was out filming “March of the Gun-Toting KillZone Extras” downtown yesterday, remember?”

Different Unlike Us
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 2 (Page 2 of 4)
Panel 1
Newspaper headline with a huge image of Alison punching out a hero in a white firefighter’s uniform while completely missing one of the thugs from page one (hero guy in firefighter whites wielding the head of a firehose (his power is to generate water which he uses the attachment to fire water) in his hand, water spraying out as he’s knocked out))
Headline “WHOOPS!”

Ester (off panel) : “This wouldn’t have anything to do with you decking the homophobic hero, right?”

Alison (off panel) : “What if it did… (he was in my way).”

Panel 2
Another flashback of Alison kissing Rika passionately (on a park bench) while they grope each other.
(nighttime, overhead lighting illuminating the scene).

Ester (off panel) : You “passed” four of those jokers just to cross a busy intersection…”

Panel 3
Same as last panel, spray of water from off panel distrupting them (causing them to separate).
Ester (off panel) : “…ignored all the gunfire and people screaming all around you…”

Panel 4
Hero dude in white firefighter outfit (The Purification) looking stern and demanding, holding his “water stick” (dripping with water) as he stares as the two sternly, Alison/Rika are shocked.
Purficiation : “This is a place for children, not your ill contempt for god‘s will.”
Ester (off panel) : “Just so you could stick it to the rubber guy you had a mad on with!”

Different Unlike Us
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 3 (Page 3 of 4)
Panel 1
Back at the table (eatery scene), Alison’s eyes are glowing bright (heat vision), her fists clenched and teeth locked tight in an angry expression. Rika & Amber continue eating, trying not to notice her temper while Ester holds up the tray their food was served on (as a shield), while trying to eat.
Ester : “Don’t stare at me (I’m too good looking to fry.)”

Alison : “That stupid homophobic piece of…”
“Drives me crazy…”
“Death too good…”

Ester : “Try not to stutter me to death, please.”

Panel 2
The Purification standing tall, holding up the head of a firehose attachment dripping with water.
Super deformed Alison is burning a crossing out symbol (like the “no ghost” slash symbol in Ghostbusters for instance) over his image (heat vision) as super deformed Ester holds up her burger (towards the heat beam).

Sign (on Purification) : “HOMOPHOBE”
Alison : “How the hell can you suffer a bastard like this! God he makes me want to KILL!”
Ester : “Sorry if I‘m not violently moody. That’s the slutty goth domainatrix‘s emotional bag, not mine.“
“(I like my burger done medium heat vision please).”

Panel 3
Forward view of Alison (looking at her/over her shoulder at the door of the eatery as Purficiation (in costume) enters). She’s looking over her shoulder at him as he enters the room.

Alison : “Oh fuck, there he is.”
“(Doesn’t he ever take that suit --)”

Panel 4
Rika pushes herself into Alison’s arms (over to her side of the table), kissing her fiercely (Alison is taken aback by this bold act). The Purification is walking towards them, not yet noticing them.

Panel 5
View of girls’ table from Purification POV (as if he’s walking past the table).
Alison is now into the kiss, wrapping her arms about Rika holding her as they kiss. Ester, looking bored, stares at readers (Purification) as he passes, while Amber keeps eating (trying to ignore what’s going on about her).

Ester : “Move along, rubber boner, nothing to see here rubber dong. Move it.”
Amber : “Smooth one, Ester. Really…”

Different Unlike Us
Writer - David Rasmussen
Copyright 2006 David Rasmussen

Page 4 (Page 4 of 4)
Panel 1
Alison/Rika kissing (Alison’s eyes wide) (view as if looking over into their booth from the next booth over) as they notice Purification kissing the male bartender (in view in background, he walked a few more steps to be greeted by him near an open table).

Bartender : “Trouble?”
Purification : “My bad. I was just too good at being PC.”
Alison : “!!”

Panel 2
View into booth from next booth over (Rika in foreground). Rika, Amber and Ester (background) look on as Alison straddles Purification (sprawled on table) as she chokes him. Purification’s significant other sits next to Rika.

Ester : “At least she gave us a chance to remove our plates.”
Bartender : “What’s this about?”
Rika : “Don’t ask.”

Panel 3
Huge panel of “picture” (taken outside back of bar in alley) of all four of the women doing a “wet t-shirt” shot (in bar signature t-shirts with the bar’s logo on it (to be designed by artist)). Very sexy and provocotive shot of all the ladies in their oh so revealing t-shirts. (Possibility for Rika (Artist‘s decision), have her playfully licking at the end of Purification’s firehose tool (wedged between her t-shirt covered breasts)).

Text (written on picture) : “To “Pure”.“
No “hard” feelings, OK?”

Panel 4
Smaller panel (lower right of page showing Super Deformed versions of Alison (ticked off, using her heat vision in wide disperal “wave” to dry off the other three (super deformed versions, all looking rather uncomfortable))
Alison : “Babies.”
Ester(pissy looking) : “Shut the fuck up!”
“I think I can feel my arms again.”
Amber : “Why did we say “yes”!?”
Rika : “I need a hot chocolate.”

Friday, May 18, 2007

Welcome To Different Unlike Us

Welcome to "Different Unlike Blog" (the official site for Different Unlike Us).
Here is where we’ll post all the stuff you’ll need to know about Different Unlike Us, artwork previews, info on the search for a publisher and more.